(734) 717-6783
About Helping Hand Computer Solutions
We Do Things Differently
We don't speak "computer-ese". We explain things in regular English. We don't expect you to be a tech expert. In fact, we specialize in working with novices and seniors.
If you need help, you don't have to bring your computer to us; we connect with you remotely or come to your home or office.
If you are looking for training, we don't offer a standard list of classes. We meet with you, talk with your staff and look at their typical work. Then we set up training that helps each staff member learn how to do their specific tasks more quickly and with less frustration.
We don't make you commit to an expensive service package. Our minimum is a 1/2 hour charge. That's it. This helps keep our services affordable for individuals and small businesses.
Contact us and see how these differences can lower your computer stress!
What Our Customers Say
I'm Patricia Na. I love to teach and to help people lower their computer stress! I started my company in 2000 and have helped thousands of people since then to accomplish more in less time with less stress. I particularly enjoy working with seniors and computer novices.
Outside of work, I've been involved in rabbit rescue for over 20 years, first with Michigan Rabbit Rescue and now Great Lakes Rabbit Sanctuary. We work to educate the public on rabbit care and work to find permanent, loving homes for abandoned or surrendered domestic pet rabbits.
Call me today, and let's see how I can lower your stress!

I’m Bear, Chief Rabbit Officer and that’s my human up there holding Lavender. I used to be the Intern but since Lavender went to the Rainbow Bridge, I got promoted. Now it’s MY job to look after things and help my mom teach people about rabbit care and adoption.