(734) 717-6783
Stop struggling! There's a reason why "Lowering Stress Since 2000" is our tagline. Our goal is to design a solution for you, which will allow you to accomplish your tasks in the easiest way possible.
"I wish I had met Patricia 10 years ago! She would have saved me so much time & frustration!”
— Connie W.
Your needs are unique, so why settle for generic solutions? At Helping Hand Computer Solutions, we don't do "generic" or "standard". Let us know your problem, and we will create a custom solution for you.​
We create highly customized computer training for your business on popular tools such as Microsoft Office, as well as industry-specific or proprietary software.
Separate training plan for each role or staff member.
Customized courses for different roles, such as project manager vs. project team member.
No minimum class size, eliminating the need to force everyone into a single class, regardless of their needs.
Convenient 2-hour sessions at your office.
Click below to learn more about how we can help you.
Office work can be streamlined, employees can become more efficient, troubleshooting can become effortless, and problem solving can be achieved in-house with our personalized, targeted, and effective teaching methods. Your staff can learn how to utilize office and business software to its fullest capabilities.